Una muntanya a dins de casa
A mountain inside home
Floor tiles and peas.
It is said that in Vic there is a house build on a mountain. It is also said that if you make a hole on the floor of some first floor\’s rooms, you will find rock. At Arc de Triomf\’\’s underground station (Barcelona) I step on the pieces of a broken floor tile. cruc-cruc. The ceramic shards are unstable and unstucked on the paving. They follow the swing of my weight caused by my body\’s movement. Strength and balance in flow; my body, the space and the earth. The image of a raw pea under a floor tile or a mountain inside home.
- Una muntanya a dins de casa - Instal·lació a Bombon Projects (Barcelona, 2018)
- Una muntanya a dins de casa - Instal·lació a Bombon Projects (Barcelona, 2018)
- Instal·lació a l'exposició "Sinopsi", a La Capella, Barcelona. Foto: Pep Herrero.
Foto: Qeta Gvinepadze.
Agraïments infinits: Bernat Daviu i Joana Roda (Bombon Projects).