Upwards. A summer story


Text for the group show “Upwards“, by Bombon Projects and Prats-Nogueras Blanchard at the Antiga Farinera, la Bisbal de l’Empordà (22/06 – 31/08/2024).

The galleries Bombon Projects and Prats-Nogueras Blanchard invited me to write a text for their summer group show. The participant artists were: Eva Fàbregas, Bernat Daviu, Rosa Tharrats, Marie Zolamian, Joan Brossa, Wilfredo Prieto, Eleni Gkinosati, Esther Guillen, Lola Lasurt, Caio Reisewitz, Josep Royo and Richard Wentworth. Inspired by their works but specially by the painting Balloons, by Bernat Daviu, I wrote the text “Upwards. A summer story”, which goes like this:

The heat crushes her, as if it were melting her flesh. Everything burns and weighs her down. All food has ceased to interest her. Her body only wants melon, watermelon, ice cream and water. Lots of water. She has made a rucksack out of the camping cooler and carries it in her backpack. It is very full. She has cut the watermelons into squares so that they fit perfectly with the shape of the cooler. It weighs a quintal, but right now it is a matter of survival, of literal life and death…


Keep reading here.

My infinite thanks to: Bernat Daviu, Bombon Projects and Prats-Nogueras Blanchard.