Performance at the 1st International Symposium: Gender, Art and Digital Literature, organized by the research group in Gender Studies: Translation, Literature, History and Communication (GETLIHC), from the University of Vic.
In 2018 I made a performance called La Performance, at the Centre d’Art Maristany, in Sant Cugat del Vallès. I embodied the spirit of a performance that was not like the typical ones, not the type of dramatic performances full of blood and many feelings. She was lazy and tired and wanted viewers to do more, not just look. So La Performance was a manipulative character of the show, who through very subtle acts managed to go unnoticed and distract people by giving them orders about things they had to do in order to prepare the performance.
When Ana Palomo, from the GETLIHC research group at UVic, invited me to think about a performance for the I International Symposium: Gender, Art and Digital Literature, she sent me the program sketch and I saw that in the info about what I would do there was already a title which was “Performance”. This reminded me of La Performance in 2018 and I decided to recover that character six years later. At present, if the Performance was lazy, it could be used as artificial intelligence tools for them to decide what had to happen and almost do everything.
So, based on Nicola Jane Hobbs’ Instagram profile, which claims the figure of the relaxed woman, and on the idea of the artist and poet Eugenio Tisselli, about the role of artificial intelligences to do all the work and we artists, finally, to be able to dedicate themselves to rest, I created an atmosphere of relaxation to be very quiet, dedicating myself to ask ChatGPt what to do and making people do the things.
- "Performance", d'Anna Dot, a la Universitat de Vic. Foto: Pol Aregall
- Cartell de "Performance", d'Anna Dot, a la Universitat de Vic (07/03/2024)
My infinite thanks to: Pol Aregall, Ana Palomo, Eli Soler, Olivia Casas, GETLIHC.