Upwards. A summer story
Text for the group show “Upwards”, by Bombon Projects and Prats-Nogueras Blanchard at the Antiga Farinera, la Bisbal de l’Empordà (22/06 – 31/08/2024).
Text for the group show “Upwards”, by Bombon Projects and Prats-Nogueras Blanchard at the Antiga Farinera, la Bisbal de l’Empordà (22/06 – 31/08/2024).
Text for the exhibition “Desenfocar l’anècdota” by Nyamnyam, at the Museu de la Garrotxa, Olot (10/02 – 21/04/2024).
(Book in Catalan) Biblioteca de Traducció i Interpretació 27, Eumo Editorial.
March, 2023
Text in Catalan for the magazine Circular. Revista d’errar, published by Extinció Edicions.
2022 Prologue in catalan for the book “Fins i tot els renecs”, by Jordi Mitjà, ed. L’espigolador.
Text for the book “Art and social space in controlled, uncontrolled and isolated times”.
Route for Territori Contemporani, GRAF.CAT.
24th April 2021, L’Hospitalet de Llobregat.
Episode 3 of the radio program “Quasi veu”.
Audio guide to visit galeries and special places in Trafalgar and its surroundings, Barcelona.
With Pablo Santa Olalla. Text published in “The Routledge Companion to Digital Humanities and Art History”.