
A personal research about art and translation started in midst 2013 has given place to:


A communication: \”Translationscapes and its multidimensional articulations\”, at the 20th Congress of the Society for Philosophy and Technology \”The Grammar of Things\”, celebrated at Technische Universität Darmstadt.
A group exhibition: \”L\’efecte vora\”/\”El efecto de borde\”/\”The Edge Effect\” at Sant Andreu Contemporani, Barcelona.


A poster presented at the 6th International Workshop on Higher Education, Universitat de Vic – Universitat Central de Catalunya.
A communication: \”Muntadas: from Censorship to Translation\”, at II Jornades Predoctorals en Humanitats, Universitat de Girona.


A paper: \”Poetics of Machine Translation Errors Applied to Artistic Practices\”, presented at \”Hybrid Practices in the arts, sciences, and technology from the 1960s to today\”, organized by the Spencer Museum of Art at The Commons, Kansas University, USA.
A group exhibition: \”En altres paraules\”/\”En otras palabras\”/\”In Other Words\” at Can Felipa Arts Visuals, Barcelona.


A group exhibition: \”Translate Server Error\”, within the context of Festival Plaga, Barcelona.